Dodge City

I don't know what I'm gonna do
about you.

Broad Plain, huh?
Broad Plain.
This is where the Indians
are supposed to be.

If you keep up the fuss,
they'll be on our doorstep.

I wish they would attack us
or something.

It's dull plugging along like this
day in and day out.

But that's no reason for you
to act like a lunatic.

Maybe they don't even know
we're here. Let's tell them.

Lee, stop it. Stop it!
Will you...?
Was that you who fired those shots,
Mr. Irving?

- Sure, it was him.
- What about it?

Nothing. It seems like
a silly waste of ammunition.

He won't do it again.
He was bored.

- Faith, now. That's a great shame.
- So am I.

Really? Well, I'm sorry.
Perhaps things will get enlivened
if that shooting stampedes the cattle.

Since you seem to know what troubles
him, I'd suggest you see he drinks less.

Them two is more trouble
than they're worth.

I'll certainly be glad to hand them
over to their uncle in Dodge.

She sure is pretty, though.
Yes. I'd still trade the two of them
for one good cigar.

All right, this is it. Tex. Rusty.
Tex, get the steers watered. Rusty,
line up the wagons along the slope.

- Get moving, flat-neck.
- Oh, hush. I'll get moving.

All right. We're bedding down.
Watch your cook fires.
The grass is awful dry.
