Can I hold your horses?
I'll watch her real careful.
- What's the idea, sonny?
- I'm in business.
I'm the man of the family now.
- You certainly make an early start.
- What do you charge?
A quarter for keeping an eye
on your horses.
Fifty cents for watching them
extra good.
All right, we'll take a dollar's worth
of the extra good.
Didn't Shakespeare begin
by holding horses?
Hey, stranger, where's the money?
Oh, so you don't get
any credit here, huh?
- Well, here you are.
- Thanks, mister. Much obliged.
You're welcome.
- Shakespeare.
- Never heard of him.
- What part of Texas is he from?
- Stratford-on-Avon.
- Morning, boys.
- Good morning.
You fellows look pretty dusty.
It's on us about an inch thick
for each state in the country.
- What's the news in Dodge?
- Just about the same as always.
Gambling, drinking and killing.
And mostly killing.
Had one here just the other night.
Coldest-blooded thing I ever heard of.
Yancey shot Matt Cole
at the Gay Lady.
Matt Cole?
I used to know him in Texas.
- What was the trouble?
- What was the trouble?
How long since you been in Dodge?
Some time.
We ship up through Wichita.
Well, this town's run by a man
named Jeff Surrett.
Cole was trying to collect
for some cattle he sold.
Fifteen thousand dollars,
Surrett owed him.
Good morning, gentlemen.
How long before you're through
with him?
- In about 10 minutes, Mr. Surrett.
- All right, hurry it up.
I'm gonna take a bath. Yancey.
I'm sorry, there's somebody
in there already.