That's for the 5th kansas Infantry.
We chased them
so far from Fredericksburg...
...they ain't stopped running yet.
They must've stopped running
long enough to get their picture took.
Nobody chased the 5th kansas.
- Do you belong to it?
- All of us do.
Is that a fact?
You must have had to run
a long way to get to kansas.
It's gonna be a longer run
back to Texas.
Oh, yeah?
It's that dreadful saloon next door.
Mabel, please close the shutters.
I'm so sorry, Mr. Hart.
And there I was, a poor orphan,
no ma and no pa...
...brung up by Comanche Indians.
No matter where you go,
fitting ain't good.
It ain't no use to fight.
Fighting's a thing l...
Well, I don't like it myself,
and now I wanna...