Come on, boys.
Let's take him out to the plaza.
Bring him along.
- Hey, doc. Mr. Hatton.
- What's wrong, Joe?
Your men wrecked
the Gay Lady saloon.
- Anybody hurt?
- They're hanging your boy.
- Where are my men?
- Back to camp.
- Where's the hanging party?
- In the middle of the plaza.
You're loco. I ain't done nothing
to be strung up for.
Shut up!
There they are.
Hold on, boys.
Be careful, Mr. Hatton.
Take it easy.
That rope's strong enough
for both of them.
Well, what do you think of this?
I've no wish to spoil your fun, Surrett...
...but would you tell those men
to let him go?
As quick as he gets through
dancing around up there.
You heard what I said, I think.
Tell them to let him go.
All right.
String him up, boys.
Put them up.
Stick them up.
Keep reaching high, boys, or you know
what happens to Surrett.
Get over here, Rusty. Get his gun.
We may never be
this close again, Surrett.
I'm anxious to hear what the sheriff
has to say about this.
Start walking.