new hats and heavy boots
all at bargain prices.
But most of all, we call upon Thee,
Lord Jehovah,
O, God of Battles,
to aid Thy people
against the Tories,
for I have disturbing news for you
that will sorrow this Sabbath.
General Washington has advised us
that an enemy army
of many Tories and savage Indians
is even now on its way
to our beloved valley.
Every man capable of bearing arms
between the ages of 16 and 60
will report tomorrow morning
to General Herkimer,
at which time a regiment
of Washington's Continental Army
will arrive from Albany, under
Colonel Fischer, to help us.
Any man failing to report for duty
will be promptly hanged.
You stick close to Mrs. McKlennar
and do what she says.
Yes, Gil.
I'd better go now.
Watch out for those new apple trees.