
-This is Comrade KopaIski.

-And I am Comrade BuIjanoff.

May I ask you how much your rooms are?
GentIemen, I'm afraid
our rates are rather high.

Why shouId you be afraid?
I might be abIe to accommodate you.
-Is there some more Iuggage?

But have you a safe
big enough to hoId this?

I'm afraid we have no boxes
of that size in the vauIt...

-but there's a suite with a private safe.
-That's even better.

-But, gentIemen, I'm afraid--
-He's aIways afraid.

I just wanted to expIain.
The apartment
may suit your convenience...

but I doubt whether
it wiII fit your convictions.

-It's the RoyaI Suite.
-The RoyaI Suite?

Just a minute.
Comrades, I warn you, if it gets out in
Moscow that we stay in the RoyaI Suite...

we'II get into terribIe troubIe.
We'II teII them we had to do it
on account of the safe.

That's a perfect excuse.
There was no other safe big enough.

-That's right.
-That's fine.

Of course, we couId take out the pieces...
and distribute them
in three or four boxes in the vauIt...

and take a smaII room.
-That's an idea, isn't it?
-Yes, that's an idea.

But who said we had to have an idea?
-That's right.
-That's very good.

-Give us the RoyaI Suite.
-Step this way, pIease.

PIease connect me with Mercier.
Yes, the jeweIer.

HeIIo? No, I want to speak
to Monsieur Mercier personaIIy.

HeIIo, Monsieur Mercier?
This is Iranoff,
Member of the Russian Board of Trade.

Yes, we arrived this morning.
Thank you very much.
Yes, we have everything here.
The neckIace, too.

AII 14 pieces, at the.... What?
No, Monsieur Mercier.
The court jeweIs of the Grand
Duchess Swana consisted of 14 pieces.
