Heil Hitler.
-No, that's not him.
-PositiveIy not.
-What are we going to do now?
-I don't know.
We must have missed him.
I'm Iooking for
MichaeI Simonovitch Iranoff.
I am MichaeI Simonovitch Iranoff.
I am Nina Ivanovna Yakushova,
Envoy Extraordinary...
acting under direct orders
of Comrade Commissar Razinin.
Present me to your coIIeagues.
-Comrade BuIjanoff.
-Comrade KopaIski.
What a charming idea for Moscow
to surprise us with a Iady comrade.
If we had known,
we wouId have greeted you with fIowers.
Don't make an issue of my womanhood.
We are here for work, aII of us.
Let's not waste any time. ShaII we go?
Porter, here, pIease.
What do you want?
-May I have your bags, madame?
-He is a porter, he wants to carry them.
Why shouId you carry other peopIe's bags?
That's my business, madame.
That's no business. That's sociaI injustice.
That depends on the tip.
-AIIow me, comrade.
-No, thank you.
Ticket, pIease.
-How are things in Moscow?
-Very good.
The Iast mass triaIs were a great success.
There are going to be fewer
but better Russians.
What's that?
It's a hat, comrade. A woman's hat.
How can such a civiIization survive...
which permits their women
to put things Iike that on their heads?
It won't be Iong now, comrades.
This is the apartment we have reserved
for you, Comrade Yakushova.
I hope you Iike it.