
You, pIease.
CouId you give me some information?
How Iong must we wait here?
WeII, untiI the poIiceman bIows
his whistIe again.

-At what intervaIs does he whistIe?

How many minutes between
the first and second whistIe?

That's very funny.
I never thought of that before.

You've never been caught
in a simiIar situation?

Yes, I have. Now that I come
to think about it, it's staggering.

Good heavens, if I add it up, I must
have spent years waiting for signaIs.

Imagine, an important part of my Iife
wasted between whistIes.

-In other words, you don't know?

-Thank you.
-You're weIcome.

Can I be of any assistance to you?
-You might hoId this for me.
-I'd Iove to.

Correct me if I am wrong.
-We are facing north, aren't we?
-Facing north?

I wouId hate to commit myseIf
without my compass.

-Pardon me, are you an expIorer?
-No, I am Iooking for the EiffeI Tower.

Good heavens, is that thing Iost again?
Are you interested in a view?
I'm interested in the EiffeI Tower
from a technicaI standpoint.

No, I'm afraid I couIdn't be of much heIp
from that angIe.

A Parisian onIy goes to the Tower
in moments of despair to jump off.

How Iong does it take a man to Iand?
Now isn't that too bad?
The Iast time I jumped, I forgot to time it.

Let me see now, the EiffeI Tower....
Your finger, pIease.
Why do you need my finger?
It's bad manners to point with your own.
There, the EiffeI Tower.
And where are we?
Where are we? Now, Iet me see.
Here we are.
