Yes. What?
Yes. WeII, I'm sorry. I couIdn't make it.
No, I ran into an oId friend from the army.
The whoIe deaI is off?
Are you crazy, BuIjanoff?
A speciaI envoy arrived.
I'II be gIad to see her
whenever she wants to.
She doesn't want to see me?
What do you know about that? Why?
I'II get in touch with her myseIf.
What's her name?
Good heavens, these Russian names.
How do you speII it?
Yakushova Ninotchka.
Yes, aII right, thank you.
I must go.
Or shouId I say
''SpeciaI Envoy Yakushova''?
-Let's forget we ever met.
-No, I have a much better suggestion.
Let's forget the teIephone ever rang.
I never heard that you are Yakushova.
You are Ninotchka, my Ninotchka.
I was sent here by my country
to fight you.
AII right, fight me as much as you want,
onIy fight me tomorrow morning.
There's nothing sweeter than
sharing a secret with an enemy.
You represent White Russia
and I represent Red Russia.
Tonight Iet's not represent anybody
but ourseIves.
It is out of the question.
-If you wish to approach me--
-You know I want to.
Then do it through my Iawyer.
But Ninotchka,
you can't waIk out Iike this.
I am crazy about you.
I thought I'd made an impression on you.
You Iiked the white of my eye.