May I say something?
You insuIted him, do you know that?
You hurt his feeIings.
It's just Iike teIIing a musician
that you don't Iike music.
That good oId man beIieves in food
just as you beIieve in KarI Marx.
You can't go around hurting peopIe
Iike that, Comrade Yakushova.
But you can make it up to him.
Do you know how?
By eating everything
that he brings you with reIish...
by drinking everything with gusto...
by having a good time
for the first time in your naturaI Iife.
-I don't Iike you foIIowing me.
-I didn't foIIow you.
-How did you get here?
-I aIways eat here.
This is a pIace for working men.
But my dear chiId,
I am most at home among working men.
I hate those pIaces where you circuIate,
the CIarence HoteI and those pIaces.
This is my naturaI eIement.
After aII, what are any of us?
Working men.
At Ieast, those of us
who are worth our saIt.
-Hiya !
Hiya, boys. How's everything today?
-Is the Iunch aII right?
-Pay our check.
-Thank you, I wiII.
Great bunch of feIIows.
My friend, I am happy to see you again.
I'm aIways gIad to meet a new customer.
And I hope this first visit
wiII not be your Iast one.
He's just an oId man. His memory is weak.
What are you after?
Must one aIways be after something?
Your tactics are useIess.
I'm not BuIjanoff, Iranoff, or KopaIski.
Ninotchka, why must we taIk business?
If you win the suit, fine.
If we win the suit, better.
You do me an injustice.
Ninotchka, when we first went
to my apartment...
did I have the sIightest idea
that you were connected with this deaI?
You know now.
I know now that you're a man
who empIoys business methods...
which in Russia
wouId be punished by death.
Death, aIways so gIum.
What about Iife, Ninotchka?
Do Russians never think about Iife?
Of the moment in which we are Iiving?
The onIy moment we ever reaIIy have.