I'm sorry, gentIemen.
The other day I heard such a funny story,
it stiII makes me Iaugh.
It's very funny.
Yes, about this injunction.
The hearing is set
for the twentieth of this month.
That's two weeks from Thursday.
We did our utmost to have it set ahead.
I know, gentIemen.
It's in the hands of the court.
We're heIpIess, aren't we?
Yes, it is unfortunate.
There's nothing we can do.
Why get excited?
We'II Ieave these papers with you
for your further consideration.
-Au revoir, madame.
-Au revoir.
WeII, that means
another two weeks in Paris.
Too bad we have to waste aII that time.
I acted on your suggestion...
and got in touch
with the power and Iight authorities.
Whenever you want to visit their pIants,
they are open to you.
Yes, power and Iight. Thank you.
There is something eIse
which I know wiII appeaI to you.
A visit to the Paris sewers.
They teII me it's extremeIy instructive.
Why don't you get a haircut, BuIjanoff?
You aII Iook so wintry, comrades.
And why do we aIways keep
the windows cIosed?
Isn't that amazing?
At home, there is stiII snow and ice,
and here, Iook at the birds.
I aIways feIt a IittIe hurt
when our swaIIows deserted us...
in the winter for capitaIistic countries.
Now I know why.
We have the high ideaI...
but they have the cIimate.
Comrades, I don't think
I need you anymore.
-Is there anything we can do for you?
-Not a thing.
WouId you Iike to go out?
-Yes, sure.
-Have you any money?
-Here are 50 francs.
-Thank you.
Bring me back 45.