You mug! You heard me use that
two weeks ago.
It still sounds good.
What are you fellas doing down here?
Same as everybody else,
working for the Dutchman.
- What's that?
- We fly mail and things here and there.
Fliers! I was wondering why
you were carrying those guns.
Do you think we're a couple
of banana cowboys?
- Where's the flying field down here?
- Right outside the door.
- Skoal!
- To us.
- Down the hatch.
- Happy landings.
What are you doing down here?
On your way back to the States?
- Yep, if I don't get a job in Panama.
- A professional!
I quit a show at Valparaiso.
These are on me.
- Don't do that.
- I said I wanted to buy you a drink.
- I'm paying for these.
- You better let him pay.
Wait a minute. If you take his money,
I'll never step foot in this place.
Joe, where are you going to eat?
I'll starve, but I won't
come in here again.
I better take his money.
If you take his money, I'll never
come in again. Who asked first?
- I'm going to pay.
- He asked first.
- I meant what I said.
- So did I.
Where you...
The drinks are on the house!
- Very well satisfied.
- That's a shame. He's so cute.
Dutchy, come on back.
No more monkey business.
- Bring a bottle.
- No, you better take it easy.
- What for?
- One of you has to fly the mail tonight.
- I thought Tony was first out.
- Tony has a touch of fever.
- It's either you or Joe.
- Can you beat that?
Dutchy, pick a number.
- What for?
- Anything up to ten.
One to ten? Number?
Oh, no. Not me.
If you want to gamble on who goes up
in that weather, pick someone else.
- All right, Bonnie.
- Anything up to ten.
Not me.
I feel the same way he does.
Nobody's worrying about who's going up.
We're worrying about...
Who's gonna take you to dinner.
Who said anything about staying
for dinner?
We'll send you a formal invitation.