Les, odd or even?
That's too bad.
Well, Bonnie,
how do you like your steak?
I don't know if...
You mean real American steak?
I don't want to brag, but how do
you think I keep those boys down here?
- I guess I'm staying for dinner.
- That's the girl!
Why do I always say "odd,"
and it always comes out...
I hate that noise.
Joe Souther,
you're up next.
- That's you, Les.
- Joe Souther.
Sorry, kid.
Joe, stand by.
Tex says it's clearing.
Not me. Les lost.
I'm having dinner with Miss Lee.
- Miss Lee, Mr. Carter.
- How do you do?
Hello, Miss Lee.
Sorry, Joe, but the mail goes out
on schedule. So do the pilots.
Since when, Geoff?
I want Les to check over that stuff
that came in on the boat today.
- When did you think that up?
- Just now.
Geoff, the boys gambled and he lost.
Let him go.
- Is that an order?
- Yeah! No, no...
Who is running things here anyway?
- That's what I mean. Joe, get going.
- Miss Lee and I were having dinner.
Don't worry about Miss Lee.
I'll take up where you left off.
Look here, mister.
I've got something to say about this.
Chorus girl?
No, I do a specialty.
So much the better. Pick up that stuff
on your way back from Las Cruces.
- See you later, Miss Lee.
- You will, will you? I might have...
Who does that guy think he is?
- That's the boss.
- As you may have gathered.
- He's not my boss and...
- Bonnie, I hope you win.
- I'll be seein' ya.
- Good-bye, Joe.