- Keep it quiet back there!
- Yes, sir.
Joe, pay attention.
It's closed in down here.
You're west of the field.
Fly due east.
Flying at 1500 due east.
Due east at 1500.
Joe, blimp your motor.
Joe, you're passing over the field.
Go one mile, turn 180 degrees
and start letting down.
And watch out
for the lights!
Sounds a little that way.
Yeah. Joe, you're a little south.
A little south.
Okay, Papa, turning north.
Turn off that light.
Keep it quiet back there!
Here I come.
Twelve hundred.
A fhousand.
Eight hundred.
Six hundred.
Joe, you're coming in too high!
You'll overshoot the field!
Make a turn, Joe.
Go further back and try it again.
Okay, I'm turning.
Can't you see the lights?
Nothing that even looks like
a dim candle.
His line was okay.
Joe, your direction was perfect.
Be sure to keep the same line.
All right. I'm turning.
Here I come.
Six hundred.