If you feel like bawling,
how do you think we feel?
Go outside and walk around. Stay there
until you put all that together.
Was that you
they were razzing in there?
Don't feel too bad about it.
I did the same thing
when I first came.
- Mister, can you kick real hard?
- Maybe you won't need it.
I think I'd feel better.
All my life,
I've hated funerals.
The fuss and bother
never brings anybody back.
It just spoils remembering them
as they really are.
When I see people actually facing it
that way, I have to act like a sap.
This flying business is new to me.
You have to have some crazy way
of looking at it to go on.
Does this sort of thing happen often?
That depends on weather and luck.
We've drawn space twice in the last
three months, not counting this one.
I suppose they'll
be at it again tomorrow.
Tonight if it clears.
- They must love it, flying, I mean.
- Why do you think they come here?
It's like being in love
with a buzz saw.
Not much future.
What is there about it
that gets them?
I'm not a flier.
You better ask the Kid.
Miss Lee, Mr. Dabb.
She wants to know why you like flying.
I been in it 22 years. I couldn't give
you an answer that would make sense.
What's so funny?
- That's what my dad used to say.
- Flier?
No, trapeze. High stuff.
He wouldn't use a net.
Not much future in that, either.
Yes. We found that out.
Tell me about this headman, Geoff.
Does he go up, too?
Only when he thinks it's too tough
for anyone else.
Well, just goes to show you
how wrong you can be.