but I beg of you,
let the dead past remain buried.
My wife and I, and our son...
we want so much to be your friends.
There is a car waiting, Herr Baron.
Thank you. Thank you for your courtesy.
[Thunder rumbling]
[Wind whistling]
[Thunder clapping]
AMELIA: There's my little darling!
PETER: Amelia!
I am glad to see you, Benson.
- Thank you, sir. Should I take this?
- No, just take my coat, will you?
AMELIA: I'm so glad to see you.
Bless you.
What a comfort to find you here.
- Welcome, madam. Good evening, sir.
- Good evening, Amelia.
Peter had better go right to bed.
It's been a long trip.
AMELIA: Come along, darling.
ELSA: Amelia, are the bedrooms cheery?
Yes, madam, quite cheery.
I think you'll be surprised.
It's medieval. It's exciting, exhilarating.