BENSON: Would you like a brandy, sir?
BARON: Yes, thank you, Benson.
[Tense instrumental music]
"My son.
"Herein you will find my faiths,
my beliefs, and my unfoldments.
"A complete diary of my experiments,
charts, and secret formulas.
"In short, the sum total of my knowledge,
such as it is.
"Perhaps you will regard my work
with ridicule or even with distaste.
"If so, destroy these records.
"But if you, like me,
burn with the irresistible desire...
"to penetrate the unknown, carry on.
"Even though the path
is cruel and torturous, carry on.
"Like every seeker after truth...
"you will be hated, blasphemed,
and condemned.
"But mayhap where I have failed,
you will succeed.
"You have inherited the fortune
of the Frankensteins.
"I trust you will not inherit their fate."
[Ominous instrumental music]
To you, sir.
PETER: Our Father...
help me be a good little boy,
and bless Mummy and Daddy. Amen.
Good night, my darling.
I'll close the curtains, madam,
so the lightning won't bother him.
Please don't close them,
'cause I like lightning.