- How did he get in here?
- I find him and bring him home.
But he walks no more.
Evidence of trauma...
exactly the same as a human being.
BARON: He was supposed to be destroyed.
He cannot be destroyed.
Cannot die.
Your father made him live for always.
[Tense instrumental music]
Now he is sick.
Make him well, Frankenstein.
- I don't know whether l...
- Your father made him.
And Heinrich Frankenstein
was your father, too.
Do you mean to imply then that...
that is my brother?
But his mother was lightning.
Electricity. We'll see.
I'll get my instruments from the castle.
We'll take him up there.
You cannot take him away.
Just up there in the old laboratory...
where I have light and room.
Please. You understand.
No one must see him, Frankenstein.
But does anyone know that he's here?
And no one will know that he is here...
until your creation, Father, walks again.
[Dramatic instrumental music]