I'm sure I don't know.
I never bother him at times like this.
He's terribly preoccupied now.
But as soon as his problem's solved,
he'll be as gay as a lark again.
He's like that.
- Is he in his laboratory now?
- No.
He came in to lunch looking grey as a ghost.
I could see he was on pins and needles...
so I suggested
that he go out into the open air for a while.
He's been gone for hours.
KROGH: You don't mind being left alone?
ELSA: Not in the daytime, but at night...
- Good afternoon, Inspector.
- Good afternoon, Herr Baron.
- I trust you enjoyed your walk.
- Yes, very much.
There's nothing like a good walk
through the woods for clearing one's mind.
- Won't you sit down?
- Thank you.
Yes, you scientists must have
to have clear minds and steady nerves.
The Baroness has just been telling me
that you're knee-deep in experiments.
- Yes.
- And working in your father's laboratory?
The villagers call it "the Monster's home."
Haven't seen him stalking about
by any chance, have you?
BARON: I fear he'll never stalk again.
KROGH: That's a relief.
But I'm curious to know
why you chose that place to work.
BARON: It was my father's.
KROGH: But without a roof?
I sealed it up with some heavy canvas.
Don't the sulphur fumes bother you?
BARON: No, not at all.
ELSA: Sulphur fumes?
Forgive me, perhaps I shouldn't have
mentioned that. I thought madam knew.
ELSA: Tell me.
BARON: You see, our family history states...
that the structure was built by the Romans
over a natural sulphur pit...
and used by them as mineral baths.
One of the first health resorts, perhaps.
Health resort.
Yes, possibly.
But during the succeeding centuries, the
boiling sulphur increased in its intensity...
until now, I believe,
it is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Exactly.
- Even the stoutest Roman...
couldn't venture into that today...
without being parboiled to the bones
in just a few moments.
Wolf, you do pick the strangest places.
I'd like to see how you fixed it up.
I'll have you come there some time
and parboil you.