Hunting? Did you get anything?
Yes, a few elephants and a few tigers.
Did you have a nice long nap, darling?
No, not a very long nap.
A giant came in here and woke me up.
AMELIA: A giant? What an imagination.
PETER: No, Amelia, it wasn't imagination.
It was a giant and he woke me up.
And when I got up, he had a hold of my arm.
ELSA: Did you chase him away
with your gun?
No, he was a nice giant.
I gave him my picture book
and then he went away.
Are there lots of giants around here?
Only one that I ever heard of.
PETER: That must have been him, then.
BARON: You're pretty much
of a giant yourself, aren't you?
BARON: Aren't we getting heavy?
Excuse me, Inspector.
I'll take him up to the nursery.
It's almost his suppertime.
Here we go.
It must be that book Jack the Giant Killer...
that's got into his head
with his great imagination.
[Light-hearted instrumental music]
BARON: Here we go up the big mountain.
Duck your head.
BARON: Hold tight. We're almost there.
Here we are.
Now, Peter...
I want you to tell me
all about the elephants, the tigers...
and that giant.
Really, Daddy,
there weren't any elephants and tigers.
I just made-believe that.
- But what about the giant?
- What giant?
The one you gave your storybook to.