They've burnt every
ranch building in sight.
He had a brush with them last night.
Says they're being stirred up
by Geronimo.
How do we know he isn't lying?
No. He's a Cheyenne.
They hate Apaches worse than we do.
-Clear the wires for Lordsburg.
-That's Lordsburg now, sir.
They seem to have something
very urgent to tell you, sir.
-Well, what's wrong?
-The line went dead, sir.
-What have you got there?
-Only the first word, sir.
-How'd it go, Buck?
-Oh, so-so.
Got the payroll for the mining company?
Yes sir, right here in this box.
Good, give me a lift here, Jim,
would you?
Jim, l'll pay you that two bits
when l come through.
-Okay, Buck.
-Now you kids get away from that wheel.
Well sir, we ran into a little snow
up there. lt weren't bad, though.
But you fellows better prepare
for a good frost.
Passengers out for Tonto.
You better get out and stretch
your legs, l mean your limbs, ma'am.
We're gonna change horses here.
ls there a place here where
l can get a cup of tea?
Well yes, ma'am, you can get a cup of
coffee at the hotel across the street.
-Thank you, driver.
-You look a little--
-l'll be all right, thank you.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Why, Lucy Mallory!
-How are you, Captain Whitney?
-Fine thanks, Mrs. Mallory.
Why, whatever are you doing in Arizona?
l'm joining Richard in Lordsburg.
He's there with his troops.
He's a lot nearer than that.
He's been ordered to Dry Fork.