
You get goin', Doc, you're drunk.
Two of a kind.
Just two of a kind.

Take my arm, Madame la Comtesse!
The tumbrel awaits, to the guillotine!
Wait till l get my badge, girls.
l'll join you.

lf ever you go east, brother,
come out to our house for dinner.

No one in Kansas City, Kansas, sets
a better table than my dear wife Violet.

Jerry, l admit as one man
to another, that...

...economically, l haven't been
of much value to you, but...

...suppose you could put one on credit.
lf talk was money, Doc,
you'd be the best customer l got.

-l'm leaving town, Jerry.

Yes, old friend, and l thought you might,
out of memory of our many happy--

All right, Doc. Just this one.
Thank you, Jerry.
Here's a man goin' on
the stagecoach with you.

He's an easterner from
Kansas City, Missouri.

Kansas City, Kansas, brother.
Your health, Reverend.
l'm not a clergyman.
My name is Peacock. l'm a--

He's a whisky drummer.
-Well how are you Mr. Haycock?

Don't tell me sir, l know, l know.
A familiar name and an honored name.

l never forget the face of a friend.
