
lf there's anything l don't like
it's driving a stagecoach...

...through Apache country.
Funny catching Gatewood
outside of town that way.

l just took this job ten years ago
so l could make enough money...

:15:42 marry my Mexican girl, Julietta...
...and l been workin' hard at it
ever since.

-At marriage?
-Why certainly.

My wife's got more relatives
than anyone you ever did see.

l bet l'm feedin'
half the state of Chihuahua.

Didn't it seem funny to you
about Gatewood?

Yeah, and then what do l get to eat
when l get home in Lordsburg?

Nothin' but frijole beans, that's all.
Nothin' but beans, beans, beans!

Excuse me, ladies.
Close quarters.

Warm today.
Your wife made it warm
for me, Gatewood.

She was chairman of
our farewell committee.

Fine looking bunch of
soldier boys back there.

Always gives me great pride
in my country...

...when l see such fine young men
in the U.S. Army.

Anybody know where they're going?
Brother, aren't you aware
of what's happened?

Happened? l don't follow you, Reverend.
l'm not a clergyman, l'm a--
My friend's a whisky drummer.
We're all going to be scalped, Gatewood.
Massacred in one fell swoop.
That's why the soldiers are with us.
He's joking, of course.
Oh no, he's not. Oh dear no.
l wish he were.
