The telegraph line ain't workin'.
Hold it!
Hey look, it's Ringo!
-Hello, Kid.
-Hello, Curley.
Hi ya, Buck. How's your folks?
Oh, just fine Ringo...
-...except my grandfather came up--
-Shut up!
Didn't expect to see you ridin' shotgun
on this run, Marshall.
-Goin' to Lordsburg?
-l figured you'd be there by this time.
Lame horse.
Well, it looks like you've
got another passenger.
l'll take the Winchester.
You may need me and
this Winchester, Curley.
l saw a ranch house burnin' last night.
You don't understand, Kid.
You're under arrest.
-Everything all right, Marshall?
-Everything's all right, Lieutenant.
Hope l ain't crowdin' you folks none.
The more the merrier.