During the late war, when l had
the honor to serve the Union...
...under our great president,
Abraham Lincoln...
...and General Phil Sheridan,
well sir...
...l fought 'mid shock and shell
and cannon roar.
Do you want to go back or not?
l want another drink.
That's five.
How about you, Mr. Hancock?
Peacock. l'd like to go on,
brother. l want to reach...
...the bosom of my dear family,
in Kansas City, Kansas...
...as quickly as possible. But l may
never reach that bosom if we go on.
So, under the circumstances,
you understand, brother...
...l think it best we go back
with the bosoms...
...l mean, the soldiers.
One against.
Well, Buck?
Buck says "aye", that's six.
l'm voting your proxy, Kid,
and you go with me.
Ain't nothin' keepin' me out
of Lordsburg, Curley.
There sure ain't. Well folks,
that settles it, we're goin' through.
Sit down, folks, and eat your grub.
Come on Buck, we'll change them horses.
-But Curley, ain't we gonna eat?
-You can eat later!
Here you go, folks.
Food's on the table, help yourselves.
You've got a long ride ahead of you.
You ain't drinkin' Billy?
Sit down here, ma'am.
May l find you another place,
Mrs. Mallory?
lt's cooler by the window.