
Look, Kid, why don't you try
to escape? Why don't you get away?

l aim to, in Lordsburg.
Why Lordsburg? Why don't you make
for the border now?

My father and brother were shot down
by the Plummer boys.

Guess you don't know how it feels
to lose your own folks that way.

l lost mine when l was a kid.
There was a massacre
on Superstition Mountain.

That's tough.
Especially on a girl.
Well, you gotta live,
no matter what happens.

Yeah, that's it.
Look, Ms. Dallas.
You got no folks.
Neither have l, and well...
...maybe l'm takin' a lot
for granted, but...

...l watched you with that baby.
That other woman's baby.

You looked....
l still got a ranch across
the border...

...and it's a nice place.
A real nice place.
Trees, grass, water....
There's a cabin, half-built.
A man could live there.
And a woman.
Will you go?
But you don't know me.
You don't know who l am.
l know all l want to know.
Will you go?
Don't talk like that!
What are you doing out here, Kid?
Stick close to the reservation.
