He can't. I won't Iet him.
ChiIdren, you may as weII Iearn now
that you must share what you have...
with others not as fortunate
as yourseIves.
- Take charge of the Iad, EIIen.
- Come aIong, chiId.
What's your name?
We'II caII him HeathcIiff.
HeathcIiff, I'II race you to the barn.
The Ioser has to be the sIave.
Come on!
Come on!
Whoa. I won!
You're my sIave! You have to do
as I say. Water my horse and groom it!
Oh, that's not fair!
It's too reaI.
- What do you want?
- This horse.
- You can't have him. He's mine!
- Mine's Iame. I'm riding yours.
Give him to me or I'II teII Father you
boasted you'd turn me out when he died!
That's a Iie!
I never said such a thing.
- He didn't!
- You never had a father!
You gypsy beggar!
You can't have mine!
Stop that!
- HeathcIiff, Iook out!
- Don't come near me!
Let him go!
You kiIIed him!
I'm going to teII Father.
He'II punish you for this.