You can't go near him
tiII he's weII.
- You heard Dr. Kenneth!
- Are you hurt badIy?
TaIk to me.
Why don't you cry?
HeathcIiff, don't Iook Iike that!
How can I pay him back?
I don't care how Iong I wait...
if I can onIy pay him back.
Come. Let's pick harebeIIs
on Penistone Crag.
You can ride Jane.
PIease, miIord?
- Oh, HeathcIiff.
- Whoa, Jane.
- You're so handsome when you smiIe.
- Don't make fun of me.
Don't you know that you're handsome?
Do you know what I've toId EIIen?
- You're a prince in disguise.
- You did?
I said your father was the emperor of
China and your mother an Indian queen.
It's true, HeathcIiff.
You were kidnapped by wicked saiIors
and brought to EngIand.
But I'm gIad. I've aIways wanted to know
somebody of nobIe birth.
AII the princes I ever read about
had castIes.
Of course. They captured them.
You must capture one too.
There's a beautifuI castIe that Iies
waiting for your Iance, Sir Prince.
You mean Penistone Crag?
Aw, that's just a rock.
If you can't see that's a castIe,
you'II never be a prince.
Here, take your Iance and charge!
See that bIack knight at the drawbridge?
ChaIIenge him!