How is he, Doctor?
He is at peace.
Send for the vicar, Joseph.
My dear, wiId IittIe Cathy.
You may come up
and pray beside him now.
You're not wanted up there.
My father is past your wheedIing.
Go and heIp the stabIe boys
harness the horse for the vicar.
Do as you're toId.
I'm master here now.
And as the chiIdren grew up, HindIey
was indeed master of Wuthering Heights.
It was no Ionger the happy home
of their chiIdhood.
- Joseph, bring me another bottIe.
- That's the third, Mr. HindIey.
The third or the twenty-third,
bring me another.
Wine is a mocker.
Strong drink is raging, Master HindIey.
Stop spouting scripture and do
as you're toId, you croaking oId parrot.
Yes, Master HindIey.