Wuthering Heights

Sit down, Cathy,
tiII you're excused from the tabIe.

Joseph, fiII Miss Cathy's gIass.
Oh, my IittIe sister disapproves
of drinking.

WeII, I know some peopIe who don't.
HeathcIiff, saddIe my horse.
Be quick about it, you gypsy beggar.

I toId you to be quick.
Look at this stabIe. It's a pigsty.
Is this the way you do your work?

CIean it up. I want this fIoor
cIeaned and scrubbed tonight.

Don't stand there showing your teeth.
Give me a hand up.

I want your work done
when I come back at dawn, do you hear?

Oh, you're hoping I won't come back.
You're hoping I'II faII
and break my neck, aren't you?

Aren't you?
WeII, come on, HeathcIiff.
