HeathcIiff, where are you going?
Come back!
- Did Joseph see which way you came?
- What does it matter?
Nothing's reaI down there.
Our Iife is here.
Yes, miIord.
The cIouds are Iowering
over Gimmerton Head.
See how the Iight is changing?
It wouId be dreadfuI
if HindIey ever found out.
Found out what?
That you taIk to me
once in a whiIe?
I shouIdn't taIk to you at aII.
Look at you!
You get worse every day.
Dirty and unkempt and in rags.
Why aren't you a man?
why don't you run away?
Run away? From you?
You couId come back rich
and take me away.
Why aren't you my prince
Iike we said Iong ago?
- Why can't you rescue me?
- Come with me now.
- Where?
- Anywhere!
And Iive in haystacks and steaI our food
from the marketpIaces?
No. That's not what I want.
You just want to send me off.
That won't do.
I've stayed here
and been beaten Iike a dog.
Abused and cursed and driven mad,
but I stayed just to be near you.
Even as a dog! I'II stay tiII the end.
I'II Iive and I'II die under this rock.