Wuthering Heights

Has he gone?
Your hands! What have you done?
Linton. Is he gone?
What have you done to your hands?
What have you been doing?
I want to crawI to her feet,
whimper to be forgiven...

for Ioving me, for needing her
more than my own Iife...

for beIonging to her
more than my own souI.

Don't Iet her see me.
I wondered whether you were stiII up.
I have some news!

The kitchen is no pIace for that.
Come into the parIor.

Come here.
Sit down. Listen!

Can you keep a secret?
Edgar's asked me to marry him.

- What did you teII him?
- That I'd give him my answer tomorrow.

Do you Iove him, Miss Cathy?
- Yes! Of course.
- Why?

Why? That's a siIIy question,
isn't it?

No, not so siIIy.
Why do you Iove him?

He's handsome and pIeasant to be with.
- That's not enough.
- Because he'II be rich someday.

I'II be the finest Iady in the county.
Now teII me how you Iove him.
I Iove the ground under his feet,
the air above his head...

and everything he touches.
What about HeathcIiff?
Oh, HeathcIiff.
He gets worse every day.

It wouId degrade me to marry him.
