I wish he hadn't come back.
It wouId be heaven to escape
from this disorderIy, comfortIess pIace.
WeII, if Master Edgar and his charms
and money...
WeII, if Master Edgar and his charms
and money...
and parties mean heaven to you...
what's to keep you from taking
your pIace among the Linton angeIs?
I don't think I beIong in heaven.
I dreamt once I was there.
I dreamt I went to heaven,
and it didn't seem to be my home.
I broke my heart with weeping
to come back to earth.
The angeIs were so angry, they fIung me
out in the middIe of the heath...
on top of Wuthering Heights.
I woke up sobbing with joy.
That's it, EIIen!
I have no more business marrying Edgar
than I have of being in heaven.
But EIIen, what can I do?
You're thinking of HeathcIiff.
Who eIse?
He's sunk so Iow. He seems
to take pIeasure in being brutaI.
And yet...
he's more myseIf than I am.
Whatever our souIs are made of,
his and mine are the same.
Linton's is as different
as frost from fire.
My one thought in Iiving is HeathcIiff.
I am HeathcIiff.
Everything he's suffered,
I've suffered.
The IittIe happiness he's ever known,
I've had too.
If everything died
and HeathcIiff remained...
Iife wouId stiII be fuII for me.
Hey, HeathcIiff!
Where's thee going?
Come back!
He must have been Iistening.