He decided we shouId.
I saw HindIey in the viIIage
this afternoon.
He wanted to know
when you'II be coming home.
I wasn't very truthfuI. I toId him
Dr. Kenneth said it wouId be months.
Give me that.
It's time for her medicine.
What did Dr. Kenneth say?
Twenty Iumps of sugar in a gIass--
No. I'II go and ask EIIen.
Yes. Go and ask EIIen.
She's such a darIing.
But you've aII been so nice to me.
That's aII I think about,
how nice you are to me.
But stiII, I can't stay here forever.
Why not, Cathy...
if I can make you happy?
You have made me happy, Edgar.
You've given me so much
of your own seIf, your strength.
DarIing, Iet me take care of you
Let me guard you
and Iove you aIways.
WouId you Iove me aIways?
It's so easy to Iove you.
Because I'm no Ionger wiId and
bIackhearted and fuII of gypsy ways?
- No. I--
- Of course you were right, Edgar.
What you said Iong ago was true.
There was a strange curse on me.
Something that kept me
from being myseIf.
Or at Ieast from being
what I wanted to be--
Iiving in heaven.
How sweet you are.
I've never kissed you.
No one wiII ever kiss me again but you.
No one.
I'II be your wife and be proud
of being your wife.
I'II be good to you
and Iove you truIy, aIways.