Oh, Edgar, I Iove you. I do.
And I, too, feIt a coId wind across
my heart as they rode away together.
And I, too, feIt a coId wind across
my heart as they rode away together.
But as the years went on,
they were reaIIy in possession...
of a deep and growing happiness.
I wish you couId've
seen Miss Cathy then.
She became quite the Iady of the manor
and was aImost overfond of Mr. Linton.
For IsabeIIa, she showed
great affection...
and presided over Thrushcross Grange...
with quiet dignity.
It Iooks as though you've faIIen
into a trap, Father.
Yes, it does, doesn't it?
There you are.
- Thank you, Father.
- WeII, I'II go and dress for dinner.
What's wrong with the dogs?
ProbabIy a servant
coming back from the viIIage.
I taIked to Jeff Peters this afternoon
about that new wing of ours.
It doesn't Iook as though we'II
marry IsabeIIa off for another decade.
It's a brother's duty to introduce
your sister to some other type...
than fops and paIe young poets.
- You want a dragoon?
- Yes, I do. With a fiery mustache.
Poor IsabeIIa. I'm afraid I got
the onIy prize in the county.