Leave my wife alone.
Who, me?
If you ain't lookin' for trouble,
get away from here.
- Adam! Matt!
- You'd better look out, Scrub.
- You're gonna get hurt.
- Yeah.
What are you gonna use on me?
Knives, or pistols, or your fists?
We ain't botherin' nobody.
We're just here to have a good time,
so you please to leave us alone.
- Come on now, Matt. Come on, Adam.
- Come on, Scrub. We got plenty of time later.
Bye, honey. See you later.
Dig your heels! Dig your heels!
Dig your heels in!
Come on.!
Hey.! Giddyap, mule.!
Adam, you got to
promise me somethin'.
You got to promise me we'll come to town
every single year we're livin'.
You just got to, Adam!
You just say that now. You wait till
we're married and have babies to tend to.
- That'll be different.
- No, it won't neither.
Matt and Sarah have a baby,
and they came.
Yeah, but maybe we'll have
lots of babies.
Maybe we'll have twins,
uh, or somethin'.
I don't care. I don't care
if we have 50 babies.
Oh, Adam, you got to promise me.
All right, Carrie Sue, I promise.
Adam, I wished we was married
right now, like - like Sarah and Matt.