Young Mr. Lincoln

Choose your pard as we go round
Choose your pard
as we go round

Choose your pard as we go round
We'll all take Susan Brown
One, two, three, change
One, two, three

One, two, three, change
Lovely Susan Brown
Fare thee well, my charming girl
Fare thee well and gone
Fare thee well, my charming girl
With golden slippers on
Three times
round the cuckoo waltz

Three times round
the cuckoo waltz

Three times
round the cuckoo waltz

Lovely Susan Brown
Fare thee well, my charming girl
Fare thee well and gone
Fare thee well, my charming girl
Oh, uh, Lincoln -
Upon my word, ma'am,
in all my experience...

I've never danced with
a more graceful and charming partner.

Thank you so much.
I'm awfully glad you don't share
Mr. Lincoln's aversion to feminine society.

Well, Mr. Lincoln's a great storyteller.
Like all such actors,
he revels in boisterous applause.

And yet Ninian says it was his wit
that saved those two wretched boys.

Yes, unquestionably he has ability
in handling an unthinking mob.

Not even his enemies deny
he has a certain political talent.

Uh, Mr. Lincoln...
are you, by any chance, a member of
the well-known Lincoln family of Massachusetts?

Not by any chance I know of, sir.
A very fine family, sir.
Very fine.

Then I'd say the evidence
is all against us belongin' to it.

No Lincoln I ever knew
amounted to a hill of beans.

Mr. Lincoln, in the part
of the South I come from...

it's customary for a gentleman
to ask a visiting lady to dance.
