Young Mr. Lincoln

Well, Mr. Lincoln,
what are you up to now?

Got the smell of the country in my nose
just ridin' out.

If a client comes by, Abe,
where will we tell him you're at?

In my office, of course.
- Where is your office, Abe?
- In my hat!

Abe, you sure love that river,
don't you?

It's a mighty pretty river, Efe.
Never saw a man like you
look at a river like you do.

Folks'd think it was a pretty woman
or somethin', the way you carry on.

How come they call that thing
you're playin'a Jew's harp?

Comes down from David's harp
in the Bible.

I don't wanna say nothin'
against the Bible...

but those people back there
sure had funny taste in music.

What's that tune you're playin'?
Don't know. Catchy, though.
Makes you wanna march
or somethin'.
