Hello master. Welcome.
You how around here?
Go surprise.
I expect that carry not a lot expecting.
Me would not forgive it.
And less after the great success that
It is harvesting in the theater.
All speak wonders of
Their interpretation.
- Thanks, ¿is Kozumi?
- Clear. It wants sake?
If it wants I am served him.
I understand, prefers that she do it.
- Tranquil, will leave immediately.
- Good evening.
Look at, was desiring to see him.
Why have you delayed so much?
I feel it, as soon as I have known that
It was here I have given me a lot of hurry.
Not the sufficient one.
Kikunosuke seems displeased.
It tries to remedy it. You treat him the best
Possible, ¿in agreement?
Of course.
What passes you? Why you are
Angry? I yes should be it.
- You Relax you.
- You Leave me.
Why does it come that I annoy?
You want that annoy me I? Thus it
We will be both. You want it?
I know it, is clear. You are angry
With me by arriving late.
- Is Not that.
- It will Not be that you prefer to another.
Dime the truth.
You prefer to Yoneko and to Ohan?