All right, Nurse.
You can go. I'll stay.
What's the matter with me,
What's the matter with me,
I can't feel nothing.
My legs are there,
but I can't feel 'em.
Your spine is broken.
You're paralyzed.
Well, pull me through,
Doc, will you?
Pull me through
and I'll pay you anything.
The only possible way
to save George Kingsley's life
is by a brain transplantation,
an operation
I performed successfully
on animals.
This is a dangerous
and illegal operation,
but a chance to make
a great scientific discovery,
and perhaps save
my friend's life.
Ern, how long
will his head be bandaged?
Oh, not long now.
Dr. Sovac.
Two gentlemen want to see you.
Who are they?
They are detectives,
I believe.