a bottle of wine.
Splendid, George.
I'll get changed
and then we'll go.
"I chatter, chatter as I flow
"To join the brimming river
"For men may come
and men may go
But I go on forever."
The Cannon brain
remembers this hotel.
Will it also remember
Red's friends?
Miller, Kane,
Devore and Marnay.
I'm taking Kingsley
to the Club Royale
where he'll see Sunny Rogers,
Cannon's former sweetheart.
# My kisses
captured your lips #
# But never reached
your heart #
# Last night
I thought you loved me #
# Dearly #
# And I was #
An old fashioned.
I'm ready for anything.
Yes, sir.
# But now you're as far #
# As far as
the tiniest star ##
I find the singer
rather interesting,
don't you, George?
Yeah. Who is she, Ernest?
I seem to know her.
Could she be
one of my former students?
I really am surprised,
at your pretending
to know the singer.
Well, come, come,
come now, Ernest.
I'm a college professor,
not a college boy.