- I haven't any.
- Don't need one. We'll sign a contract.
A contract?
You'll never regret it
as long as you live.
Change your dress. The three
of us are going out to celebrate.
- This is Mr. Brett. He's...
- How do you do?
How do you...?
Come up to the office,
and we'll fix everything.
I'm glad to have met you,
Miss Bennett.
Mr. Brett. Johnny!
Look. Come out with us tonight.
I'd rather not. Thanks.
Thanks a lot.
So long, Miss Bennett.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night.
Pardon me. I'd like to talk to you
for a minute, if you don't mind.
Now, look,
you'll be paid very soon.
Paid? Do you owe me something?
- You're not a collector?
- Collector?
I used to collect stamps, but I gave it
up when people stopped writing to me.
Don't you remember meeting me
four nights ago?
You told me then
that your name was King Shaw.
That's when I thought
you were a bill collector.
- Bill collector, me?
- Yes. I'm awfully sorry.
I'm sorry too. For you.
Because that little mix-up lost you
the job as Clare Bennett's leading man.
What's that?
I thought your name was King Shaw,
so I sold King Shaw to my associates.
Oh, I see.
Yes, well, maybe we better
have a drink together, huh?
Yeah, let's.
I could use one.
I'm going to clear this whole thing up.
You're going to play that part!
No, I'm not. Now, look, Mr. Casey,
King's the man for you.
You need a personality.
Why, he's a natural.
Women go for him like a
bargain sale. Always have.
- Yes, but I saw you dance.
- Yes, and you saw him dance too.
Tonight with Clare Bennett.
They were wonderful together.
- Rabbit?
- No.
You're just like me. I'm always
pushing my partner ahead too.