You've never wanted to
until King Shaw came along.
- Why the change?
- I'm having fun.
Just watching the kick he gets
out of going places and seeing things.
Things he's never seen before.
You got the same fun out of watching
me when you first took me out places.
- Not quite the same, I hope.
- I didn't mean that, Bert.
Is that the only reason
you're running around with him?
If there were any other,
I'd tell you.
Be sure that King understands
there isn't any other reason.
I will.
If he thinks you're falling for him,
he'll be bossing me around the theater!
You're not doing him any good.
All that lad wants to do is to play.
He should be home tonight resting
or rehearsing, and so should you.
What excuse can I give him
as late as this?
- Well, tell him the truth.
- That's an idea.
No, no, that wouldn't be feminine.
Give him the one you always give me:
The headache.
- Angel.
- Yes, ma'am?
- Get Mr. Shaw on the telephone.
- Yes, ma'am.
Well, good night. Have a good rest.
See you at rehearsal.
Good night, Bert.
I know we've got a tough day
tomorrow, but it's no tougher...
Besides, I've got a headache.
Oh, I see.
Well, if that's the way you feel
about it, it's okay with me.
Sure. I'll see you tomorrow.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing!
- Aren't you going out with her?
- She's got a headache.
- And I sent her orchids!
- You should have sent her aspirin.
Very funny! It's a fine time
of night to break a date.
Just when I was all keyed up
to take her out!
It's just as well. Now
we can go through that number.
How do you expect me to concentrate,
when a girl plays a trick like that on me?
- Maybe she has got a headache.
- Yeah? Well, I'll show her!
- I'm going out on the town.
- That'll make two headaches.