- We haven't reached a verdict.
- You certainly have reached a verdict.
Are you trying to tell me
that you haven't reached a verdict yet?
- We have not.
- Then why did you send him a telegram?
- Send who a telegram?
- McTavish!
- We didn't send... Who's McTavish?
- You certainly did send a telegram!
We certainly did not send a telegram.
You didn't? Well, then who... who...?
Jumping Jerusalem!
- Get my lawyer!
- Which one?
Schubel, Snivel, Abercrombie and Snitch!
Quiet! Get me Shindel Bros!
We have to keep cool and collected!
Collected! Holy moley!
- Bank the call
- Bank the call?
Call the bank! What's the matter with you?
Holy mackerel!
What? Give me a hat.
- Get me Minsk, Minsk, Binsk and Binsk.
- What kind of a hat, Mr Shindel?
- A hat!
- Yes, sir.
No, go! We'll go with you!
Jimmy! We're running low.
Get another load.
Mary? Where's Mary? All right, Mary.
(Children clamouring)
Marsha? Marsha, there you are.
Nobody's been forgotten. Be careful.
(Pipe organ)
(Whistle blowing)
- You forgot to get a present for yourself.
- What?
- You forgot to get a present for yourself.
- I don't need one, I've got you.