The crank fits on here
and when you turn it it...
Makes into a full-size double bed at night.
Guy said it works swell.
What did you go get that for?
Well, we kinda hoped that
it might make up for the... phoney telegram.
(Dick) It was a joke.
(Harry) It wasn't very funny.
Oh. I get it.
Oh, Jimmy...
- Hi, Mr Jimmy!
- Hello, Sam. The boss gone yet?
No, he's still in there conniving on
- Tell him in the morning.
- I was glad to hear about your good luck.
- Do you need a valet?
- No thanks, Sam.
Well, sir, I guess you is right -
pride rides before a fall.
But not everybody hits the jackpot
while they is young and all.
- You said it.
- (Cat miaows)
(Betty) Look.
(Jimmy) Hello, pussy.
Is it good luck
when a black cat crosses your path?
That all depends on what happens
You said it.
Sure don't happen to everybody, sir!
- (Sam) Yes, sir.
- Look.
Good evening.
- Pretty snazzy, eh?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
- Be careful.
- We will.