That's what I thought
It doesn't taste the way it did when
I was a baby, this has poison in it
Talking about poison, I've some
pills I have to take
Here're some cables that have been
coming over from New York. They love
to cable from New York, it makes
them think that you work for them
An invitation for that lunch with
that Dutch Van Meer tomorrow.
That's given by the Universal Pease
that's Fischer's organization,
isn't it?
I don't know, I don't follow those
things very much
New York wants it, I send it
that's the secret
of being a correspondent
I've been doing it for 25 years,
25 years and end up drinking milk
"Absolutely necessary you attend Van
Meer luncheon, awaiting interview"
Good morning, how is that wagon?
Look at that
I'm on my way to the Van Meer
I have a lunch here with the old man
Clark, from the International press
You're here my darling, I didn't know
either to meet you at the hall or...
Good bye Stopins.
Bye Miss... Clark
Who's he calling Clark?
He has a nerve!
He's some American reporter
Good morning, Mr. Van Meer.
I beg your pardon
You're Mr. Van Meer, aren't you?
That's my name
My name is Haverstock.
You don't know me, I'm American
I just happen to be on my way to
your luncheon
Ah, then, perhaps...
That's very kind of you but...
Come in, it's all for a good cause
To the Savoy Hotel
This is very kind of you
Mr. Van Meer
It's my pleasure my boy
I don't like riding alone