Foreign Correspondent

They killed him
But he isn't...
who are you?

Where are the others?
Ask him where the others have gone
He said he doesn't know
what you're talking about

He's been asleep here the whole day
He's Iying. I've talked to Van Meer
in this very same room

Well, there's something I can
show you. The assassin's car

Rather unique
I don't care what you say
that car was There

There's something fishy
around here

There's something going on here
I'll find out, whatever it takes
Nothing will stop me, understand?
I'll prove it wasn't Van Meer
the man that was assassinate

All right, come in
Who is it?
What are you a house detective?

In fact we asked at the desk
Policemen eh? don't tell me you're
here to apologize about the windmill
