
She's not mine.
I'm only one of the pebbles on the beach.

You play up to her.
I want to know everything that goes on.

I believe I'm going to be very interested
in Number 12.

- A dirty evening for a stroll, sir.
- There's a lot of dirty things in London.

- Bella, what are you doing?
- Nothing, Paul. Don't wake up.

- What are you doing, Bella?
- I thought I heard the muffin man.

Then why didn't you ring for Nancy
to find out?

- It would mean two journeys for...
- Ring for Nancy, Bella.

What do you suppose the servants are for?
To serve us, I suppose, dear.
Nancy, I rang. The muffin man.
I thought you rang for tea.
I was just bringing it up.

- Then it's too late for muffins.
- Not at all, my dear.

Nancy, spread the cloth,
then lay the tea things...

go down and get the muffins,
cook the muffins...

and bring up the muffins.
You see, my dear, it's all quite simple.

- Light the gas, Nancy.
- Yes, sir.

You're looking very impudent
and pretty tonight, Nancy.

- More broken hearts?
- I don't know, I'm sure, sir.

Where do you get
the color for your cheeks?
