Faces south.
A little alley runs along the back.
Nothing to block out the light.
But we'll have some difficulty,
I'm afraid, Mr. Rough.
- Why is that?
- The remainder of Number 14's lease...
is in the hands of Mr. Mallen
of Number 12.
And he's already refused three good offers.
Mr. Mallen of Number 12?
Why won't he let?
Do you know, I have often wondered.
A queer profession, mine, Mr. Rough.
So near to so many people's lives,
and yet...
- always on the doorstep, as it were.
- Yes, indeed.
- A fascinating study, human nature.
- Fascinating.
You don't think there's much chance
of that house being on the market?
If you want to make an offer,
do so, by all means.
I sometimes wonder
if it's the noise he's afraid of.
The wife's a delicate woman.
Just had a breakdown, I understand.
A charming creature.
I've seen her often walking in the gardens
of the square with her dog.
- Gardens? Sounds very pleasant.
- They're charming there.
I'm sorry.
I wonder how that happened.
- Oh, dear!
- My dear lady!
I'm all right, thank you.
Where's my little dog?
- Little savages. I hope you're not hurt.
- No, not a bit.
- You come and sit down over here.
- No, I'm all right.
You can't possibly tell if you're hurt
until you've had time to think it over.
It doesn't matter much when
you've soft bones like those little rascals.