
Thank you. You may go.
Be careful what you do.
Don't commit sacrilege as well.

This is no sacrilege.
I swear by Almighty God
that I neither took your watch...

nor hid away the brooch.
Then you are mad, you unhappy creature.
And you'll get worse until you die,
raving in an asylum!

And where the devil are you going, Nancy?
I came to see if there were any letters
for the post, sir.

Are you expecting to meet somebody
on your way to the post?

- Only a gentleman friend, sir.
- So I supposed.

Are there any letters, sir?
Come in here for a moment, will you?
Let me have a look at your hair.
Very good, sir.
- Is there anything more you want, sir?
- Perhaps.

- Come closer, will you?
- Yes, sir.

Is there anything you want, sir?
There. Can she do that for you?
